Terms of Use

1.1. The following terms of use (hereinafter - Terms) apply to the website https://www.skaists.lv/ (hereinafter - Website), which is owned and managed by SIA "" (hereinafter - Company, We, Our, Ours) ), reg. No. , legal address:, VAT registration number is LV4000.
1.2. The Website is an online platform for individuals and legal entities that provide beauty care services and who, after registering on the Website and making the relevant commission, the Company has the right to publish information and prices about their services in the field of beauty care, while Website visitors have the opportunity to find the necessary services and have the right to obtain relevant contacts for communication and book these services with or without prepayment, guided by the terms of the service provider.
1.3. These Terms apply only to your use of the Site. These Terms do not apply to the services of individuals and legal entities that are available for booking and ordering on the Website.
1.4. Before you start using the Site, please read these Terms carefully. By using the Website, you confirm that you have read, understand and agree to these Terms.

2. Site Access and Security

2.1. You need an account to use the Site. Each person may have only one account on Our Site. Your account is non-transferable and may not be sold or otherwise shared with others.

2.2. Natural and legal persons who use the Website for the purpose of selling their services in the field of beauty care have the opportunity to create a relevant account on the Website by posting information about themselves or their company, information about services and their prices, service delivery address and contact information, photos of their work and account photo or company logo.

2.3. You are responsible for ensuring that your equipment (computer, tablet or other mobile device) meets all the necessary technical specifications for you to access and use the Website and that it is technically compatible with the Website.

2.4. You must ensure that all registration information you provide is accurate. If you are provided with a login ID (such as a username and password or other identifier) ​​as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential and must not disclose it to anyone else. You are responsible for all activities conducted using Your Login ID and You must immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized use or other breach of security that You become aware of.

2.5. You must keep your password confidential and must not disclose it to anyone. You are obliged to change your password regularly, and you are also obliged to immediately inform the Company if you become aware or suspect that your password has come into the possession of a third party.

3. Site use and commission

3.1. The purposes of the site existence are:

3.1.1 to allow Website visitors to view the availability of beauty care services, make their reservations, use the Website online registration or conduct other transactions with beauty care service providers located on the Website;

3.1.2. to allow natural and legal persons who provide beauty care services to publish information and prices about their services in the field of beauty care and to obtain information about the bookers of relevant services.

3.2.1. You will only use the Site for lawful purposes and post only lawful content;

3.2.2. You may not use the Website in a manner that causes infringement of the rights of the Company or other parties;

3.2.3. You may not use any device, mechanism, software or other script, or any other information technology solution, that could interfere with the operation of the Site. This also applies to uploading infected files;

3.2.4. You may not take any action that could create an unreasonable and excessive load on the Website infrastructure;

3.2.5. You may not block, overwrite or modify any content created by the Company or otherwise interfere with the operation of the Site;

3.2.6. You may not use any automated system or software, whether operated by a third party or otherwise, to retrieve any data from the Site (i.e. screen recording);

3.2.7. You may not gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site in any way;

3.2.8. You may not make unauthorized, fake or fraudulent reservations, especially reservations that are paid with a payment card or from a bank account that belongs to a third party and that has not given you such permission;

3.2.9. You may not purchase services on the Website without the permission of a parent or legal guardian if you are under the age of 18;

3.2.10. You may not sign up for our newsletter without the permission of a parent or legal guardian if you are under the age of 13;

3.2.11. You will always provide true and correct information (including personal data) on our website whenever you wish to receive any services we offer on the Website;

3.2.12. You may provide the Company with information about another person only if this person has given you permission and agreed to such action. Therefore, please ensure that you have a legal basis for providing such data to Us. We will assume that any data we receive from you is lawful and that you have a legal basis and all rights and permissions to provide such data to Us. In such cases, you must ensure that the person whose data you provide to us is familiar with the Privacy Policy published on Our Website;

3.2.13. You confirm that We have the right to rely on the fact that You will comply with the rules mentioned here.

3.3. Natural and legal persons who use the Website for the purpose of selling their services in the field of beauty care, by registering on the Website, agree that they will receive text messages from the Company to their contact number or e-mail with notifications about their service reservations from potential customers; information about the account password, etc. information. Among them, natural and legal persons who use the Website for the purpose of selling their services in the field of beauty care agree that at the time of registration, their account will be created on the Website and the information provided during registration will be processed in accordance with the Company Privacy Policy.

3.4. Website visitors who use the Website to contact, order and/or book beauty care services, which are placed on the Website, by entering their contact information (e-mail, phone number) during registration, confirm that they agree to receive text messages from the Company with notifications about reservations of relevant services ; information about the account password, etc. information. Among them, Website visitors agree that their account will be created on the Website at the time of registration and the information provided during registration will be processed in accordance with the Company Privacy Policy.

3.5. Website visitors have the opportunity to book beauty care services for individuals and legal entities online by making the appropriate payment or prepayment on or off the Website.

3.6. The company commission operated only on individuals or legal entities registered on the Website, who place on the Website information about their services in the field of beauty care and which amounts to EUR 1.00 (one euro 00 cents) for each reservation of the relevant service. A payment tool - MakeCommerce (www.makecommerce.lv) has been incorporated into the company website for making commission fees as well as service reservations. Payments made through MakeCommerce are calculated in EUR, unless a different currency is used for transactions.

3.7. The beauty service provider on the Website has the right to determine the amount of advance payment for making a reservation: 100% (one hundred percent), 50% (fifty percent), 20% (twenty percent) or not to determine it.

3.8. There are cancellation rules for beauty care service reservations on the Website, that is, a relevant service can be canceled only within 24 (twenty-four) hours before the date and time of the relevant service reservation, and only in case of fulfillment of these rules, there is a right to return the advance payment in full. If the cancellation of the service reservation is made less than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the date and time of the service reservation, the advance payment is not refunded.

3.9. The account registered on the website may be deleted if its content contains the following:

3.9.1. content directed against moral and ethical values;

3.9.2. illegal, abusive or fraudulent text or graphic content;

3.9.3. photographs that are not true and contain redundant text such as but not limited to contact information;

3.9.4. a service offer that cannot be made by the account holder or a service that is not available;

3.9.5. service description text or attachments containing phone, email. Internet link or other contact information (except for specially designed fields);

3.9.6. contains wrong, erroneous information or contains a lot of errors in the text, special fields are not filled in or incorrectly filled in;

3.9.7. licensable services, if the account user has not provided accurate contact information about the company and the license number corresponding to the service offer;

3.9.8. services involving the use of controlled drugs, dangerous or harmful products and substances, as well as products not certified according to CE standards;

3.9.9. services involving the use of counterfeit goods or contraband goods.

3.9.10. advertisements or logos of other companies whose activity is similar to the Website in the text or in the attached graphic information;

3.9.11. links to resources that improperly serve the visitors of the Website, open pop-up windows, contain soundtracks or perform other inappropriate actions against visitors, or information systems that contain service offers that are prohibited to be placed on the Website;

3.9.12. contains links to websites overloaded with Internet counters, advertising units, links to other pages, as well as non-informative pages with outdated content or very poor work, as well as pages that are not related to the account owner.

4. Consequences of misuse
4.1. The Company reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary, including initiating legal proceedings without prior notice, seeking compensation for damages caused to the Company without notice, and/or denying access to the Site if you have violated these Terms.

5. Changes to the Site
5.1. We reserve the right to make improvements or changes to the information, services, functionality and other content on the Sites at any time and without prior notice. The development and improvement of our business is important to us, therefore from time to time we can unilaterally change and supplement these Terms, therefore we invite you to familiarize yourself with the Terms every time you use Our Website.

6. Links to other websites
6.1. The Company Website may contain links or references to other websites that are not owned by Us. Unless otherwise stated, We do not endorse any of these sites and expressly dissociate ourselves from the content of such sites. This notice applies to all links posted on the Site to external websites, as well as to the content of those websites. We reserve the right to link to other websites with Our express written permission and to withdraw consent at any time.

7. Limitation of Liability
7.1. All responsibility for the quality of the provision of beauty care services is borne by the relevant natural or legal person who placed information about the relevant service on Our Website.
7.2. The Company is not responsible for any expenses and/or damages incurred in connection with the use of the Website or any other linked website, as well as in connection with the use of information published on the Website or any other linked website. In addition to the above, the Company is not responsible for any expenses and/or losses incurred due to disruptions in the operation or availability of the Website.

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
8.1. The Terms of this Website are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia. You agree that the resolution of all disputes arising from these Terms of the Website or arising in connection with these Terms is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Latvia. You agree that We will attempt to resolve any disputes or disagreements arising out of the Terms of this Site or regarding compensation for damages. If we are unable to resolve the dispute during negotiations, it will be referred to one of the courts of the Republic of Latvia and will be examined in accordance with the legal acts in force in the Republic of Latvia.

9. Copyright and Trademarks
9.1. All information, data, underlying computer programs (including APIs), domain names, web addresses, databases and other materials found on this Site, including names, logos, prices, etc., as well as the color scheme and layout of the Site, are protected by copyright, the right to trademark, database rights and/or other intellectual property rights. You may use these materials for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Any other use or reproduction of this content without Our prior written consent is prohibited and will be considered a violation of the Terms and may constitute a violation of the Company or any third party intellectual property rights.

10. Reviews and information
10.1. Please submit your feedback on these Terms or any questions about the Website by phone +37127050295

11. Termination of use of the website
11.1. In the event that a natural or legal person who provides beauty care services and uses the Website wants to terminate the use of the Website, they have the right to contact the Company via e-mail, by writing a relevant SMS, Whatsapp message to the Company phone number +37127050295

Privacy Policy

1. General rules
1.1. The purpose of the privacy policy is to provide a natural person (data subject) with information about the purpose and legal basis of personal data processing, the extent of processing and protection when processing the data subject personal data.
1.2. The privacy policy is applied to ensure the protection of privacy and personal data in relation to SIA "", reg. No. , legal address: Riga, , VAT registration number is LV, hereinafter referred to as - Company, customers and visitors and service recipients of the website https://www.skaists.lv/ (hereinafter referred to as Clients).
1.3. The company complies with Regulation No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and the valid regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia in the field of personal data protection.

2. Manager and its contact information
2.1. The controller of personal data processing is the Company, SIA "", reg. No. 40.
2.2. Contact information for matters related to the processing of personal data and for informing about possible data protection violations: phone no. +371 27050295. Using this contact information, you can ask a question about the processing of personal data in the Company.

3. Purposes and legal basis of personal data processing
3.1. The company processes the following personal data of Customers: name, surname, e-mail, telephone, birth data, social network links, bank details, bank account number.
3.2. The company processes the personal data of Customers for the following purposes: providing services; For customer identification; services for ensuring trade; for payment and settlement administration; for the prevention of illegal offences; For consideration of customer objections; for website maintenance. The processing is necessary to implement or defend the legitimate interests of the Company and the Clients, based on the valid regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia.
3.3. The processing of personal data of customers is carried out with the consent of the data subject (Customer) (when purchasing / reserving a service on the Company website).

4. Personal data processing and protection
4.1. The company undertakes not to disclose or transfer information about the Customer to third parties without their consent, except in cases where the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia are violated.
4.2. The company undertakes to protect the Customer data using safe modern technology options, including security measures such as data encryption with data transmission (SSL encryption) and other protection measures.
4.3. Payment processing on the company website is provided by the payment platform MakeCommerce (makecommerce.lv), therefore the Company transfers the personal data necessary for payment execution to the owner of the platform - the licensed payment institution Maksekeskus AS. The payment tool embedded in the company website - MakeCommerce ensures a secure transaction between third parties and the Company, and protects the parties personal data. You can familiarize yourself with MakeCommerce privacy policy here: https://makecommerce.lv/noteikumi%20/
4.4. Data and information were stored as long as the Customer agrees to the relevant data processing. Upon the Customer written request, his data is deleted from the Company database, however, this does not affect data processing carried out on the basis of other legal grounds and carried out at the time when the Customer consent was valid.

5. Access to personal data and other Customer rights
5.1. Customers have the right to request information about their personal data (time of receipt, type and reasons for storage), which the Company processes and stores. Customers have the right to request correction, update or deletion of their data, which are available to the Company, if this does not contradict the applicable laws and regulations. Customer data cannot be deleted if it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of regulatory acts (accounting; legal proceedings; administrative, prosecutor office, police investigation, etc.).
5.2. The customer can submit a request for the exercise of his rights in the form of electronic mail by contacting the Company by phone: +37127050295.
5.3. Upon receiving the Customer request for the exercise of his rights, the Company verifies the Customer identity, evaluates the request and fulfills it in accordance with the regulatory enactments.
5.4. The company provides an answer to the Client as soon as possible, taking into account the method of receiving the answer indicated by the Client.
5.5. The company ensures the fulfillment of data processing and protection requirements in accordance with regulatory enactments and, in the event of objections from the Client, takes appropriate actions to resolve the objection. However, if this fails, the Client has the right to apply to the supervisory authority - the Data State Inspectorate.
5.6. The customer has the right to receive one copy of his personal data processed by the Company free of charge.
5.7. The receipt and/or use of information may be restricted in order to prevent adverse effects on the rights and freedoms of other persons (including the Company employees).

6. Commercial announcements
6.1. The Company communicates about commercial announcements in accordance with the Customer consent. The customer gives his consent to receive the Company commercial announcements on the Company website.
6.2. The consent given by the customer to receive commercial communications is valid until it is revoked. The customer can at any time refuse to receive further commercial notifications by sending an SMS text message to the Company phone: +37127050295.

7. Website visits and cookie processing
7.1. The website uses cookies, which are necessary for the functional provision of its operation and safe visiting, the qualitative display of current information and the recognition of the visitor, as well as which are saved by the visitor browser when the website is visited. The website visitor can change their cookie settings in their browser.

8. Other provisions
8.1. The Company has the right to make additions to the Privacy Policy, making it available to Customers by posting it on the Company website.

Publish date: 08.08.2024