Wedding makeup, Rīga

Wedding makeup

from €40

Esmu vizāžists un papildinu savas zināšanas, jo vēlos kļūt par stilistu. Stilists ir cilvēks orķestris, kuram ir jāmāk viss, sākot ar make up, matu sakārtojumu un beidzot ar garderobes komplektēšanu, radot harmonisku koptēlu.

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We have sent you an text message with contacts along with passcode to access your profile if this is your first request Agnese Anstrāte

Agnese Anstrāte offers Wedding makeup in Rīga. Contact the beautician directly or make an online reservation with instant confirmation. Portfolio contains photos of works performed by the beautician. In the contacts section you will find a description, address and prices for services. Below are offers from other beauty salons and beauticians for the service Wedding makeup.

Wedding makeup, Jelgava

Wedding makeup

€40 • Rīga
Wedding makeup, Rēzekne

Wedding makeup

Inessa Katkovska
€25 • Rēzekne
Wedding makeup, Madona

Wedding makeup

Arita Raubiška
€15 • Madona
Wedding makeup, Valmiera

Wedding makeup

Liene Nagle
€20 • Valmiera