Wedding makeup, Rīga
Wedding makeup, Rīga

Wedding makeup

from €40

Profesionāla vizuālā tēla stiliste ar 10 gadu pieredzi. piedāvāju dažu veidu pakalpojumus. taisu ne tikai frizūras un grimu, bet ari palīdzu izstradat individuālo pārdomato tēlu, kurš atspoguļos jūsu iekšējo būtību, lai jūs justos skaista un sēvī parliecināta jebkurā pasākumā. Izbraucu pie klienta.

Riga, Rīga
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We have sent you an text message with contacts along with passcode to access your profile if this is your first request Marija Stukane

Marija Stukane offers Wedding makeup in Rīga. Contact the beautician directly or make an online reservation with instant confirmation. Portfolio contains photos of works performed by the beautician. In the contacts section you will find a description, address and prices for services. Below are offers from other beauty salons and beauticians for the service Wedding makeup.

Wedding makeup, Valmiera

Wedding makeup

Liene Nagle
€20 • Valmiera
Wedding makeup, Rīga

Wedding makeup

Sannija Dilāne
€25 • Rīga
Wedding makeup, Rīga

Wedding makeup

Юля Борзик
€30 • Rīga
Wedding makeup, Jelgava

Wedding makeup

Make-up by Luella
€40 • Jelgava